Tuesday, April 01, 2008

He is Risen!

I wrote a sermon in Seminary and I think I even preached it here to y’all.  It was entitled “He is Risen! … so now what?”  I hate to think my best sermon writing is behind me now but when I can spend so much time focusing on one thing I guess you just come up with good material.  The sermon spoke about all the things we believe about the risen Christ and how that makes our lives completely different.  But it did not leave it there.  It called us all to do something about it.  You see if you are willing to announce to the world that Christ is Risen and that makes some kind of difference in your life you are now committed to living a changed life. 

Last Sunday we watched the vignette from Rob Bell, “Sunday”.  It this short film we were challenged to think of church as something more than a motion we go through once a week.  The film asked us if we had ever attended a church service out of a sense of duty.  Now this was not intended to be a judgmental question, although it could sound like it.  It was intended to question what church means to you.  It was asking why you come to church.  On the one hand if you simply come because you feel you better or God might hit the smite button, he may have already done just that.  I think Jesus said it like this, if you expect your outward actions and appearance will gain you some prize in the afterlife, than you have already received your reward.

Going to church is not about earning a reward or making yourself a better position on the community.  Being church is a duty we are called to.  All of us that call out He is Risen! We gain a duty when we say this.  We gain a duty to serve the poor and the downtrodden around us.  We are expected to have a changed life when we proclaim He is Risen!  Church is the place where we come to learn how to make our hearts beat more and more like God’s.  The film closes with the statement “The point is being a Christian.  It means being a follower of Jesus.  It’s being connected with everything that is true and good and right.  Everything that goes on around us, that reminds us that there is so much more going on around us than we realize.”  So announce out loud to your family and your neighbors and your coworkers. He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!


<>< Pastor Chris



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